The Inquiry before Annas

June 28, 2015

The Inquiry before Annas

A reading from the Gospel of Saint John 18, 19 – 27:

The high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and about his doctrine. Jesus answered him, “I have spoken publicly to the world. I have always taught in a synagogue or in the temple area where all the Jews gather and in secret I have said nothing. Why ask me? Ask those who heard me what I said to them. They know what I said.” When he had said this, one of the temple guards, standing there struck Jesus and said, “Is this the way you answer the high priest?” Jesus answered him, “If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong but if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me?” Then Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas the high priest.
Now Simon Peter was standing there keeping warm. And they said to him, “You are not one of his disciples, are you?” He denied it and said, “I am not.” One of the slaves of the high priest, a relative of the one whose ear Peter had cut off, said, “Didn’t I see you in the garden with him?” Again Peter denied it. And immediately the cock crowed.

Almost every day people are phoning me to put names in the Book of Remembrance. Anyone can write names in this book and I will celebrate three Holy Masses a week for a full year for those written in the book. It costs only $15.00 to write a person in that book and many in that book have received special graces and some have been converted and now they go to church every Sunday. If you go to Our Lady’s website, and click on the word ‘donate’ found in the top part of the page, then the page will come out how to send the money via Paypal. Some people send one name, others send two, ten, twenty or more names and they are all entered in the Book of Remembrance. There are so many people today who are sick, others who do not have faith, or some are not properly married. Put their names in the book and after a time there will be a change.

Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,

“I bless you My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters who have great faith in Me. It was because of your sins that I was arrested and brought to court. I was taken first to the court of Annas, one of the high priest, and he questioned Me about My disciples and My teaching. I told them that I taught the Jews in the synagogues and in the temple area, so they knew what I said. I told Annas to question them and they would tell him. A guard struck Me in the face because of what I said. Then Annas sent Me to Caiaphas who was the high priest that year.
St. Peter was outside near the fire and they ask him if he was one of My disciples. He lied a second time by saying he was not My disciple. A short time afterwards, a slave who was a relative of the one Peter had cut his ear in the Garden of Gethsemane and he too asked him if he was not the one he had seen in the garden. And for the third time he lied by denying that he was the one in the garden. Then to help Peter be aware of what I had said to him, he heard the cock crow and he began to cry.
My dear friends, I call you all never to sin but if you do, repent of what you have done and go to receive the Sacrament of Confession and I will take away your sins. I bless you all.”

Father Melvin

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