The Destruction of the Temple Foretold

May 21, 2014

The Destruction of the Temple Foretold

A reading from the Gospel of Saint Matthew 24, 1 – 14:

Jesus left the temple area and was going away, when his disciples approached him to point out the temple buildings. He said to them in reply, “You see all these things, do you not? Amen, I say to you, there will not be left here a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.”
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately and said, “Tell us, when will this happen, and what sign will there be of your coming, and of the end of the age?” Jesus said to them in reply, “See that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and they will deceive many. You will hear of wars and reports of war; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen, but it will not yet be the end. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these are the beginning of the labor pains. Then they will hand you over to persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of my name. And then many will be led into sin; they will betray and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; and because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come.”

Do not fear the future but remain close to Jesus. It is those who do not have faith and follow a path of sin who should have fear because the end will come quickly without them perceiving it and they will suffer. If you follow Jesus, He will be at your side to help you and He will protect you. Some will die as martyrs but others will have peace and be able to go and preach the Good News. Look what happened during the Roman persecution in the early days. Yes many died as martyrs but others continued to live as Christians and were protected. Jesus loves us.

Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,

“I bless you My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters who love Me and are a light to the people of the world. I call you all to spread the Good News to all the people you meet. Yes, the end of the world will come one day but do not be overcome by what is coming. Have faith in Me and follow the commandments and you will be full of joy when the end of the world will come because you know you will be with Me forever. Repent of your sins and ask for the graces you need every day to avoid sin in the future. Be on guard against Satan and the evil spirits and be friends of Mine who pray every day. If you pray, I will protect you and lead you along the true path and I will go before you. Love all your brothers and sisters and be ready to help those in need. Never forget that I love you and I will never turn away from you. I am your friend forever.”

Father Melvin

P.S. It is true we are going towards the end of the world, but see what is going on in the world. What about all those people who abort babies. This is the killing of these beautiful children. What about euthanasia, which is the killing of the terminally ill or the elderly. This too is very sinful. Today what is horrible is same-sex marriage. God created marriage for a man and a woman, but now many countries have changed the law of God and this is horrible and sinful. Let us pray for all these people that they return to God and follow Him. I bless you all.

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