Jesus about Father Melvin – 3
Who do you think is at work in the garden of your soul? It is I, the Lord your God. I gave you a holy land where I sowed fertile seeds, which were trampled, smashed, sometimes eaten, and where I reseed to fill My garden of Love in your soul.
Every tempter spirit who approaches this garden to feed on the roots of your trees now mature, ready to be picked by My angels, wants deliberately to destroy it.
But this I say to you: what I sowed in you is renewed daily, so fear not.
One of My angels in charge of hunting all alien spirit stands at the door of your soul to ease the pain that you carry, because of those who are envious of the good fruit I deposited in you.
The cry of My Sacred Heart to the Father is heard, so that river of living water flowing in your heart can overflow more on the world.
Look at the eyes of My Mother, she has so much love and compassion for you.
My peace be a rest for your soul.
Thank you Jesus.
Ezekiel 34.1-32
Jean-Marie Pelletier – Saturday, October 6, 2012