The Baptism of Cornelius

Monday, March 05, 2012

The Baptism of Cornelius

Dear Friends,

(Please read the passage below from the Acts of the Apostles (10:44-49):

While Peter was still speaking these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the word. The circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit should have been poured out on the Gentiles also, for they could hear them speaking in tongues and glorifying God. Then Peter responded, “Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit even as we have?” He ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited him to stay for a few days.

I was at the Immaculate Conception Church, Palmer Road, yesterday morning to concelebrate Holy Mass with the Parish Priest. A good group of people took part. I helped to distribute Holy Communion to the many who came forward. I am praying hard these days that the money for the shrine may come soon. Please pray with me that there will be an opening this week.

(Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)

May the Holy Spirit fill you again, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters living throughout the world. In order to be converted and to have great faith in Me you need to receive the Holy Spirit. I had to return to heaven so the Father and I could send the Holy Spirit upon the world. You read how St. Peter taught these Gentile people who were not yet Christians and while he was speaking, the Holy Spirit was poured upon them and it was just like what happened at Pentecost with the Apostles. Peter then called these people and he baptized them all. 

There are still many people in the world that are not baptized today. I want you all to pray during the year of grace that the Holy Spirit may be poured out on many, many people and they will start to believe in Me. All Christians have received the Holy Spirit when they received the sacraments of Baptism and of Confirmation. So live in the power of the Holy Spirit and you will be blessed. With the power of the Holy Spirit say ‘no’ to the evil one and always ‘yes’ to Me, your Savior. I bless you all.”

Father Melvin

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One Response to The Baptism of Cornelius

  1. Theresa Lewis says:

    Again, Happy Birthday! My card is on its way today. Yes, I too am praying for you to receive your special gifts to start the buildings and orders. I encourage as many as possible to offer your prayers at Eucharistic Adoration, and during Holy Mass for the needs at the shrine and to help Father Melvin as best they can. I am awestruck every time I think about PEI , The only place where there is no legalized abortion. Please help Father Melvin to accomplish all that God wants of him.
    Thank you!
    Theresa Lewis

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