The Vision of Peter

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Vision of Peter

Dear Friends,

Please read the passage from the Acts of the Apostles 10:9-16.
The next day, while they were on their way and nearing the city, Peter went up to the roof terrace to pray at about noontime. He was hungry and wished to eat, and while they were making preparations he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something resembling a large sheet coming down, lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it were all the earth’s four-legged animals and reptiles and the birds of the sky. A voice said to him, “Get up, Peter. Slaughter and eat.” But Peter said, “Certainly not, sir. For never have I eaten anything profane and unclean.” The voice spoke to him again, a second time, “What God has made clean, you are not to call profane.” This happened three times, and then the object was taken up into the sky.

Today is the day of adoration at our parish church. I will go to adoration this evening from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. It is very important that all believers spend at least one hour a week in adoration before the exposition of the Holy Eucharist. In this way the parish will be blessed and there will be vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.

I do not know yet if I will have the Healing Mass at the Little Shrine of Our Lady of Prince Edward Island this Friday. I could be called to Ontario at any time and I will have to go. I expect a phone call today or tomorrow.

(Below you will find the message that Jesus, Our Lord and Our Redeemer, gave to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words.)

Come close to Me, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters spread out throughout the world. You are My very special family and I want you all with Me for I have something to tell you. You know that St. Peter was a Jew and following the laws of the Jews he would not eat what was considered unclean. For example the Jews do not eat pork. However, one day I gave him a vision where he saw all the different animals of the world and I told him to slaughter and eat. Of course he refused but then I instructed him that now all animals are clean and he can eat them all. This is why those who belong to My Church do not follow the Jewish custom but eat all kinds of meat even pork. Do not worry about any meat anymore. It is also a fact that the Jews would not enter a home of Gentiles and eat with them. Again through this vision, I instructed him that he should not have any doubt in going with these Gentiles for they are My people too. He was not to worry about what he would eat there because now everything is to be considered clean. What I want from you all is that you follow me and avoid sin. I want you to perform only good works and never anything evil. Do not look down on any people because of their color, their nationality or their language. They are all equal and should be accepted by all as equal. Love them all and be ready to help them when they are in need. I love you all.

FatherĀ Melvin

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