Father Melvin Doucette
A Special Call from Jesus and Mary
Fr. Melvin Doucette was born in Prince Edward Island, Canada, on March 2, 1939, and ordained to the priesthood on June 22, 1968, with the Missionaries of Africa. After 29 years in Africa, he is now back home in Palmer Road, a small community near Tignish at the northwestern tip of Prince Edward Island. He is actively engaged in his healing, intercessory praying, teaching and counseling ministry. He travels extensively, conducting retreats and talks on contemplative prayer, and celebrating healing Masses.
Fr. Doucette began to practise contemplation in 1976 and has had locutions and visions in the present form since 1999. In 1990, during a brief stay in Jerusalem for a biblical course and a retreat, he underwent a profound spiritual experience. Over a two-week period, Our Lord shared His Passion with Fr. Doucette, from the Agony in the Garden, scourging, crowning with thorns, to the Way of the Cross and the crucifixion. Now every Holy Week Fr. Doucette goes through a similar experience. He says that the most excruciating part is the piercing of the hands and feet, and the time on the cross – the terrible feeling of not being able to breathe, and the pain across the abdomen.
In contemplative prayer every morning, Fr. Doucette receives by interior locution “messages from heaven” to share with the public. The messages are sent by e-mail and posted on a few Web sites in several languages. They are read by many people around the world.
Our Lord and Our Lady have also entrusted Fr. Doucette with special missions: the founding of twin religious congregations and the construction of a shrine.
Our Lord wants the “Society of the Contemplative Brothers (and Sisters) of Jesus” to evangelize people, help them live in deeper union with Him, and form the “Families for Jesus” and “Youth for Jesus.”
Since 2000, our Blessed Mother has been appearing to Fr. Doucette as “Our Lady of Prince Edward Island.” She says this island is “holy ground”, the only province (or state) in North America that is free from the scourge of abortion. Our Lady requests that a shrine be built on the island in her honour, promising miracles of grace, cures and conversions in her “special home.”
Pending Church approval of the shrine’s construction, Mary requested that a prayer room be built, which would display a painting of Our Lady of Prince Edward Island. With the help of benefactors and volunteers, Our Lady’s Prayer Room was constructed next to Fr. Doucette’s house and opened to the public in January 2004.
The Heavenly Father promised, “The graces from this holy place will spread throughout the world […] The fire of the Holy Spirit will spread from the Prayer Room to all directions to light the hearts of all who are opened to Him. I bless you all who await with joy the beginning of this new era.”

Prayer Room
A Visit from Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Not too many people have a visit from the Mother of Jesus. Every now and then we hear of apparitions happening in different parts of the world, but who would ever think that the Mother of God would appear to him or her? On December 14, 2000, I was very surprised when the Mother of Jesus appeared to me. She came when I was beginning to pray.
I saw this beautiful lady wearing a white dress down to Her ankles. Her head was covered with a long blue veil that draped over one shoulder. She had sparkling blue eyes and looked young. She was holding the Child Jesus in Her right arm. He was wearing a pinkish-red gown down to His feet. Jesus also had blue eyes, and he had a full head of golden curly hair. His right hand was raised in blessing.
Mary was standing on reddish-brown land surrounded by water. The land was shaped like Prince Edward Island. After a few moments She said to me, “I am the Lady of Prince Edward Island, and I want a shrine built here in My honor. I love all the people of the Island and I consider all of them My children. I desire all the people of the Island and beyond to come to this shrine to honor Me and ask for My help. I am going to intercede before My Son for every genuine request. Melvin, write a poem in My honor and commission someone to paint Me with Jesus at My side the way you see Us now. It is to be the official painting of “Our Lady of Prince Edward Island”. Write to the Bishop of Charlottetown and request him to build this shrine. I love you, my son, and all My children living on this Island and beyond.”
Since then, Our Lady and the Child Jesus have visited me a few times each year. She comes always dressed the same way and standing on land shaped like the Island. Every time She comes She insists She wants the Shrine to be built with the title “Our Lady of Prince Edward Island.” She asks me to make Her request known everywhere and to tell people to pray for this intention. She adds these words, “I am going to reside with Jesus at the shrine, and all the people of the Island and beyond are going to come and visit Me there. They are coming on pilgrimages, celebrations, and feast days. Some are coming to ask for My help, others are coming to thank Me, and the rest are coming just to say a prayer. Some are coming in sorrow because of sickness, or loss of a loved one. Others are coming to discern their calling in life, or to ask for help to return to Jesus. Some are coming for an increase of faith or for help to enter the Church. And there are others who are requesting strength to overcome addiction to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and so on. Some are coming alone, others are coming in groups, and still others are coming with members of their parish, their church movement, or religious organization. Some are returning to the Faith after having been away for a long time while others are coming to be instructed in the Faith. Melvin, I am not going to send away anyone empty-handed. I am going to hear every prayer, every request, and I am going to intercede before My Son for every one. I am truly the Mother of all Islanders.”
In one of Her visits, Our Lady has given me a vision of the shrine She wants. It is a very high church and large enough to hold many people. There are two large buildings flanking the church, one to the right of the church and another to the left of the church. These buildings are for the priests and the sisters who will look after the shrine.
Amanda Richard of Summerside painted Our Lady of Prince Edward Island according to the description I gave her of what I saw in the apparition. It is a beautiful painting about five feet high and nearly three feet wide. It is a very good imitation of the vision I had. In the painting the eyes of both Jesus and Mary are looking straight at you, giving you the feeling that you are face-to-face with Jesus and Mary in the flesh. I now have photographs and respond to the many requests from the Island and all over the world for a copy. Today thousands of people from Canada, America, Europe, Africa, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, and the Philippines know about Our Lady of Prince Edward Island. People from many countries send me e-mail messages and inquire about when the shrine is going to be built and how they can contribute to the shrine. But I am not going to launch any campaign until I have the Bishop’s permission.
During the April 21, 2001, apparition of Our Lady, She spoke of different things but toward the end She said, “Melvin, I cannot end this conversation without again mentioning My great desire to have a shrine built in My honor on Prince Edward Island. This is the great longing of My Heart. When this shrine is built, My children are going to come in great numbers to visit Me, to pray to Me, and to ask for My help. I am going to bless all who come to honor Me and express their love. Jesus, Who is enthroned in all shrines, is going to shower His gift of grace on everyone. His grace is going to produce many conversions, an increase of faith, and the return to the Church of many lost souls. He is going to give the gift of peace to all who come with a sincere heart. Melvin, I am the Lady of Prince Edward Island, as the painting testifies. As you clearly see in the vision and in the painting, I am standing on a piece of land in the shape of the Island. This painting is dear to My heart. Have photographs made, and may all the homes on the Island and off the Island display this painting. As a priest, you blessed the original painting, and I in turn, am going to bless all the homes where My image is honored. Jesus and I guarantee that the shrine is going to be a great blessing to all the people of the Island and beyond. It is to be My special home and there I am going to welcome all who come to visit Me.”
Our Lady has indicated the general area where She wants the shrine to be built, but She allows the Bishop and us to decide the exact location of the shrine. In the meantime I ask all who read this to comply with Our Lady’s requests. She wants us to pray, to make sacrifices, and to make novenas until we have the Bishop’s permission to build the shrine. I am merely an unworthy instrument whom Jesus and His dear Mother use to bring about Their desires. Let us take to heart the words Jesus and Mary address to all of us and begin the work They ask of us.
I will be visiting the Island during the week of June 27 and would like to stay at the retreat center for a night or two. Please email me with the particulars and thank you.
God Bless.
Querido Padre Melvin: quisiera saber como puedo hacer para que el nombre de mi Hija Romina figure en el Libro donde inscriben a las personas para orar en las Misas por ella, ya que tiene un problema muy grave.
Hi Olga,
I think I met you at one of Fr. Melvin’s Healing Masses. We talked a little bit at the restaurant and I think we took some pictures at the shore. If it is you, please reply.
Dear Farher Melvin, I thank God for using you to help and save manking. Father please pray for love, peace and obedience/service to God to return and prevail in me and in my wife and children Amen. How can I get the pictures of our Lady and Jesus posted to me please.
Dear Father Melvin Doucette greeting him affectionately from Venezuela. Father on March 25 when they visit my Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary please ask for Venezuela
Does Father Melvin Doucette have the gift of Word of Knowledge? If he does, I would like to ask him for some advice.
Would like to continue receiving your wonderful daily messages.
Padre Melvin he tenido conocimiento de usted y de su experiencia mística en el sitio web Trono de Dios nunca antes avía leído sobre usted y Ntra Señora de la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo soy de Venezuela y estaré orando por su misión que también hago mía. Dios le Bendiga.
Dear Father Melvin, We were visiting you last Oct.2012. from Victoria,B.C. We felt so Blessed! My grandson Kyle has suffered another seizure yesterday.He had one onNov.19,2012! Please pray for him! Thank you and God Bless you! Alberta
I will also pray for your grandson Kyle.
Dear Jesus, please heal Kyle. I beleive that someday he will make a great priest like Fr. Melvin.
Paix et Joie Claude Bruyere
Dear Fr. Doucette
Please let me know your address,as I would like to visit your prayer chapel this summer, and also to get your blessing.
God Bless
The Little Shrine’s address is here http://www.ourladyofpei.com/contact-us/
Our lady of Prince Edward Island ,I pray to be healed of cancer and facial,numbness.i pray for my brother that he may be healed of Parkinson’s.i pray for my sister that she may be healed of eye cancer.i pray that my mothers health be restored.i pray for my sister that she may be healed of arthitis and cirosis of the liver.i pray and beg for these healings.
After reading the above message, I feel very compelled to come to you for spirtual healing. Would like to bring people along who are very much interested in your ministry. I know of a person living today in London, England, who is living solely on the Body and Blood of Christ for the last 13 years and has had vision of Our Lady also, also a lady from Argentina who is writing messages from Our Lord etc, and has the stimata of Christ. Its our ministry to spread these actions, Our Lady ask us to pray, pray and pray. Its our way of evangelization. Please let me know when you will be in PEI and available to receive us. God Bless .
Please let me know if yu wil be having any retreats or apecia pilgrimages this summer and if so what are the dates.
Dear Father Doucette,
You are one of the most holy priests I have ever meet. Your kindness, patience and love of God and neighbor is awesome to witness. I believe in you.
I know Our Lady is using you as a special instrument.
Your always in my prayers.
Merci Seigneur de m’avoir guéri deux fois par l’entremise du Père Melvin Doucette.
En 2010, j’ai reçu un coeur tout neuf du Seigneur, lorsque le Père m’imposa les mains.
En octobre 2011, guérison d’une hernie inguinale.
Je n’oublierai jamais ces deux grâces de mon Seigneur et de mon Dieu.
Bonjour Père Doucette,
Je viens de découvrir votre site, et j’en remercie Marie.
Nous planifions aller à IPE, en juillet 2013….entre temps je prie pour les intentions de Marie.
Svp priez pour mon conjoint, qu’il découvre la gradeur des demandes que la Vierge demande dans les prières, qu’il recherche le spirituel…Merci
Hello, Father Melvin— I love your website. Will be praying for you and Our Lady’s Shrine and will be making regular donations—thanking you Jennifer O’Dea
May the ‘Eternal Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit together Our Lady of Prince Edward Island’ be with you on this great mission and may every step be a success!
I pray that I will be able to visit you sometime.
God Bless you father.
Dear Fr. Doucette,
I live in Oakville and I am going to go to PEI for the first time at the end of this summer with my family. We would like to visit the prayer house. Is there a good time to go? Is the prayer house open each day and if so what time? Is there mass there? I would just like to know more details.
In Christ,
Dear Colleen,
Good afternoon!
I will be home in July and August so you can come and I will be home. However, I would like you to give me the dates you will be here so I make sure I don’t go visiting somewhere. When I am home the Little Shrine is always opened. May the Lord bless you.
Father Melvin
I am so happy i found your writtings Father.
I look forward to reading as many as i can.
God Bless you Padre’ and you are in my prayers please keep me and my wife (25 yrs.) and our four little kids.
thanks, Bri
Dear Fr. Melvyn,
I have read your messages for the first time and I do believe that Our Blessed Mother is blessing us all in such a motherly way. I will pray that all you have been entrusted by heaven to achieve will be realised.
You have I believe the gift of healing, I humbly ask that you pray for healing of my hands from painful rhumatism and that my hair will be restored, if it is God’s will
Thank you father
Dear Father; Happy Birthday a little early but sincerely meant. Love & Prayers, Fran and Ron Hovis and family. Please pray for us. We pray for you daily.
Dear Father ; You spoke with me recently about maybe have a third order with my mmp cenacle members here in our home. Our home is Enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary and we have a Marion Movement of Priests Cenacle every 2nd Monday of the Month here and have had Holy Mass many times. My husband Ron and I we’re up to see you a couple of years ago and renewed our Marriage Vows in the chapel at Holy Mass. I would love to have info on your religious group to see if our people would be interested . I will write more later. But I also wanted to let you know Ron and I are wishing you a Blessed and Happy Birthday a little early but sincerely meant. Hope you have many more Happy and Healthy ones. God Love You, Fran Hovis p.s. please pray for me and my dear family.
Father Melvin, this is a daughter of Jesus and Mary from California.. I pray that your Bishop authorizes the building of the Chapel Our Lady has requested. Please …I humbly ask for prayers for myself and my whole family..Our Lady knows . Thank You
I know that God will bless all the efforts to make this Shrine to Our Lady of Prince Edward Island! For those who follow Jesus, anything is possible. Paul said in Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Please pray for me and my family. We love God. We are practicing Catholics. We hope in God alone. God bless you.
Hello Father Melvin,
Please pray for Mexico and my familiy
God bless you!
Francisco Tajer
Tampico, Mexico
Father, which translation of the Bible would you recommend. I have been using the Good News translation for years, but would like to know which translation is closest to the original. I am perhaps interested in a study bible as well. Thank you, Helen.
Dear Helen,
I am using the St. Joseph Edition of the Bible. This bible is approved by the Catholic Church. May the Lord bless you.
Father Melvin
I will pray for permission from the bishop for a shrine also.
My Divine Mercy Chaplet today will be dedicated in honor of the Consecration of Russia and also for the request of Our Lady of P.E.I.