The Narrow Gate

February 27, 2015

The Narrow Gate

A reading from the Gospel of Saint Luke 13, 22 – 30:

Jesus passed through towns and villages, teaching as he went and making his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, “Lord, will only a few be saved?” He answered him, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough. After the master of the house has arisen and locked the door, then will you stand outside knocking and saying, ‘Lord, open the door for us.’ He will say to you in reply, ‘I do not know where you are from.’ And you will say, ‘We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.’ Then he will say to you, ‘I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers!’ And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves cast out. And people will come from the east and the west and from the north and the south and will recline at table in the kingdom of God. For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”

On Wednesday we had another snowstorm and snow fell almost the whole day. However, today it was sunny the whole day and not too cold. The plows have been out to clear the roads, clear driveways and around the houses. Once more we are free to go out without trouble. It looks as if we will have four beautiful sunny days including today.

Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,

“Come to heaven My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters and enter by the narrow gate. Many are trying to enter heaven by the wide gate and they are not able to do so. By the wide gate I mean those people who do not follow Me. They live in the world and forget all about heaven and the home of God. If you follow that way, I can tell you that you will not be able to enter. By the narrow gate I mean those people who follow Me and live a holy life. They are not taken in by the attraction of the world such as plenty of food, alcohol, giving in to bodily attraction, being full of pride and wanting only to follow their own will. However, those who follow Me love to pray, to read the Bible, to take part at Holy Mass often, to pray the rosary every day, to forgive all those who have hurt them, to pray for the sick, the poor and those who have no faith. In doing so I will definitely give these people what they need. Come My friends and follow the narrow way and one day you will be in heaven with Me. I bless you all.”

Father Melvin

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